Frequent questions
What payment methods do I have in the Rest of the World?
For international shipments, you can pay with Western Union or PayPal
What is the shipping cost?
The shipping cost will be shown based on the total purchase and location, at checkout, at the time prior to purchase.
You can also see it in the shopping cart, entering the zip code of your city
How are international shipments made?
International shipments are made by FedEx or DHL
How much time will the order last?
Delivery time will depend on the type of shipment selected. In general, the delay is between 3 and 6 business days after payment is confirmed.
For international shipments, the delay time is approximately 10 to 20 business days.
How do I apply my discount coupon?
Before completing the purchase, apply the discount coupon and the corresponding subtraction will automatically be displayed.